How to read your Residential Renewable Energy Solutions (RRES) Netting Bill:
All customers participating in the RRES Netting tariff will see the above meter read chart (1), which shows the reads from your home's revenue meter. The “kWh from Eversource” line shows all energy imported from the grid to your home. The “kWh to Eversource” line shows all energy exported to the grid from your PV system. Note that the "kWh to Eversource" line item is not the same as the total amount of electricity produced by your solar project as some of the solar energy is consumed in your home and is not exported to the grid.
Underneath the meter read chart you’ll see the net usage for the month (imports minus exports). If the net value is negative, you’ll be credited for that amount of excess exports. If the amount is positive, you’ll be charged for the net energy consumption.
The corresponding credits or charges for the net usage for the month will be listed as a line item on your bill (2). In the example above, the customer is credited for 366 kWh of excess production exported to the grid. The credits are calculated at the retail rate (the same rate you are billed at).
Depending on when your system went online, some customers may see a second meter read chart for their production meter. The production meter reads show all system production as well as any parasitic load. It is normal for a residential solar system to use a small amount of kWh each month as parasitic load.
How to read your Residential Renewable Energy Solutions (RRES) Buy-All Bill: 
All customers participating in the RRES Buy-all tariff will have a second meter read chart (1), which shows the meter reads from their Buy-All system’s production meter. The “Production” line will show all production the system exported through that meter. The “Consumption” line shows any usage on that meter, which is typically due to parasitic load. It is normal for a residential system to have a small amount of parasitic load each month. Beneath the chart, you’ll see the net excess production value.
That net excess production value is used to calculate any on-bill credits, which are seen as a line item on the bill (2). The rate at which the on-bill credits are calculated varies (and can even be $0) depending on what you selected at the time of application. The Buy-All tariff allows customers to select a percentage of the incentive rate to be applied as on-bill credits, and a percentage of the rate to be paid as a quarterly cash incentive (to a payment beneficiary other than the customer). You can find your selections on the Statement of Qualification that is emailed to customers at application approval.