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Eversource Energy
Connecticut Renewable Energy Programs
Residential Renewable Energy Solutions (RRES)
Questions related to RRES System Metering.
How can I request a production meter for an online system that opted to temporarily operate without a production meter?
Why did I receive an email about a production meter request? Is anything needed from the customer?
Where can I view the metering guidelines and diagrams for the Netting/Buy-All incentives?
For netting, what is the configuration for the production meter location?
What will the meter fees be?
Who will install the RRES production meter?
What non-bypass meter sockets are currently acceptable?
In the two home, two meters on one property scenario, would combining the meters and applying for the commercial incentive be a possibility?
Can the solar disconnect and production meter be installed in a separate, accessible location, remotely from the Main meter location?